Cranial Services & Pricing

(no hidden fees)

FREE Telehealth Consultation

Not sure if your baby needs a helmet? Sign-up for a FREE 1 5 minute telehealth appointment with our cranial specialist

In this virtual appointment they will be able to see if your child is presenting with any asymmetry and discuss recommended next steps.

No Rx needed

Average time: 15 minutes

Customized Sleep & Play Programs Prevent Plagiocephaly!

Wouldn’t it be nice to avoid helmet treatment altogether? We can help!

After reviewing your baby’s sleep and play habits we will create a unique plan to help you avoid a helmet. The best time to start is before 3 months of age.

No Rx needed

Average Time: 45 minutes

Price: $100 virtual appointment

$200 in-person, includes 3D scan

Custom Cranial Helmet Program

Sometimes helmet treatment is the best option for your little one. But don’t fret! We are here to offer a “hands-on” caring experience. Our program includes a custom Starband cranial helmet, periodic 3D scans to measure progress, and around-the-clock availability, in-case you have any concerns along the way. Includes 5 home visits.

*In 99% of cases only ONE helmet is needed, and treatment time averages 3-4 months.

Price: $2,500

Orthotic Services & Pricing

(no hidden fees)


Custom Bracing Assessment

Thorough function assessment including gait analysis, physical strength and balance test, Range of Motion measurements and orthotic treatment plan.

No Rx needed

Average time: 1 hour

Price: $100

Custom Braces & Fitting

You’re custom braces are made, now it’s time to fine-tune how they fit and teach you how to use them.

Average time: 1 hour

Price: To be discussed after assessment since it is dependent on brace design.

Custom Brace Follow-up

includes any adjustments needed to keep your custom braces fitting and functioning perfectly.

Average time: 45 minutes

Price: $50

WalkAide Assessment

The WalkAide utilize functional electrical stimulation of the leg muscles as an alternative to bracing. The assessment includes a thorough evaluation of gait, ROM, muscle strength, and trialing the WalkAide device.

No Rx needed

Average time: 1.5 hours

Price: $200

WalkAide Kit & Programming

Includes WalkAide unit, silicone cover, cuff, 1 year supply of electrodes, and personalized programming.

Average time: 1 hour

Price: $5,500

WalkAide Follow-up

It is a good idea to have the WalkAide programming fine-tuned every 6-12 months to maintain the best function possible. This appointment includes gait programming and device inspection for wear or damage.

Average time: 45 min-1 hour

Price: $100


What to expect during your visit…

To help keep everyone safe we are taking extra steps and following all CDC guidelines.

Your specialist will arrive within a 5 minute window of your scheduled appointment. They will have all of the equipment necessary to care for your little one. Our specialist are practicing regular hand washing when entering the home and they will be wearing anti-microbial scrubs and a face mask.

All of our equipment is disinfected before and after every use.

For more information visit our COVID-19 page.